The Learning & Teaching Building (LTB) is a major facility for Monash University’s Clayton Campus. The LTB is a catalyst for renewal that will be transformative for the Campus Southern Precinct and will present a new front door to the University. The LTB is a 4-story, multi-faculty teaching building for undergraduate and post-graduate students. Staff offices will accommodate the Faculty of Education and the Office of the Vice Provost (Learning and Teaching).
Corian® Solid Surface was chosen for the joinery units within the large format teaching spaces for its long-term quality and durability. “We wanted a seamless finish that suited the 3-dimensional nature of the joinery units (being curved) and reflected the high quality and vision of these spaces. Due to the complex form of the ‘map tables’ Corian® could achieve a seamless finish where other materials could not. The high use nature of these teaching spaces suited the durable and maintainable nature of Corian® also.” Amanda Moore, John Wardle Architects.
Corian® uniquely thermoformed into 3-D Curved Forms
The 3-dimensional curved form of the map tables was achieved by curving segmented ‘petals’ of Corian® Solid Surface and then seamlessly welding the pieces together. Due to the overall size of the map tables, it was required for them to delivered to site in pieces and then joined and welded on site.
Corian® provides a high quality and durable solution for these spaces now and into the future
The teaching spaces reflect the University’s innovative approach to a student-centered learning and teaching methodology. The Corian® Solid Surface used on the presentation points within the large format teaching spaces provides a high quality and durable solution for these spaces now and into the future.
More information about Monash University Learning and Teaching Building:
Project Name: Monash University Learning and Teaching Building
Location: Australia
Application Areas: Tables, Lecterns
Corian® Colors: Deep Cloud, Silver Grey
Design By: Amanda Moore, John Wardle Architects
Builder: Multiplex
Joiner: JFK Interiors Australia
Submitted by: CASF
Fabricator: Schiavello